Course Description
The Special Operations Tactical Medic Sustainment Course (SOTM) is highly customized program originally designed specifically for Special Operations Forces Medics who are required to maintain their National Registry medical licensure and TCCC capabilities. Although this program is built upon the framework of a 60-hour NREMT-NRP recertification, it keeps the emphasis on maintaining each students’ edge while performing in a deployed and inhospitable warzone location. Taught by a mixture of seasoned combat medics, SWAT medics, doctors, nurses and EMS-focused Paramedics, this program achieves formal recertification capabilities in NREMT-NRP, NAEMT-TC-CC for medical providers, AHA-ACLS, AHA-PALS, and AHA-BLS.
Training exercises focus on relevant and recent protocols and guidelines, and are reinforced by using utilizing Sub-Caliber Marking Cartridges (SCMC’s) in a kinetic training environment. Advanced techniques are taught, such as telemedicine, communication with higher medical authority, field expedient blood transfusion, and access to the latest equipment options available. Human cadavers are used in a dynamic lab environment and are implemented to reinforce classroom and medical skills education. Finally, field scenarios, based on actual combat events are infused into the curriculum. This is where NAR Training steps up the game by implementing the TOMManikin, amputee ators, high-fidelity CASEVAC trainers, special EFX, role players and battlefield effects to suspend reality in giving students a high-quality and memorable education experience.
Intended Audience
- Special Operations Forces Medics (SOF)
Features & Benefits
- Updated NREMT Skills
- Industry Standard for Realistic TCCC Training Scenarios
- Able to Integrate Course with Unique Customer Medical Gear
- SOF & SWAT Instructors
- Kinetic ‘Force-on-Force’ Simulated Combat Environments
- Human Cadaver Lab Included
- TOMManikin, Amputee Actors, Special Effects and Moulage
- Meets All Requirements For NREMT Paramedic Recert
- SME Instructors
- Ever-Evolving Curriculum
- State-Of-The-Art Facilities And Equipment
Certifications Achieved:
BLS, ACLS, PALS, TCCC-MP + Full NCCP 60-Hour CEU/NRP Refresher
Course Information & Registration: · Phone: 888-374-7808 x101