After Action/JTM Advanced Ground Tactics Course
The first day was spent on pistol fundamentals. Things emphasized were proper grip and marksmanship. The trainees started out shooting at targets from seven yards. Throughout the day the trainees progressed to shooting at over 35 yards and successfully hitting one foot square metal targets.
The second day was spent on advanced pistol techniques, to include weak handed firing, and firing with alternating arms restricted (simulating injuries). This included techniques for drawing with secondary hand and reloading and working malfunctions one handed. There was also some basic instruction on care under fire.
The third day transitioned into low light shooting with the rifle. This also included some low light shooting with pistols and techniques for acquiring targets and gun sights with a tactical flashlight.
The fourth day included scenarios and small team movement. The range was set up with barriers commonly found on the battlefield and the trainees were divided into small two-man groups. Different techniques of movement were taught, to include some of the common joint terminology for better integration with other ground teams. The training built up to multiple small team (3-4 team members) movement.
The fifth day culminated in elaborate scenarios that were based on what aircrew in an HH-60G helicopter might encounter. The scenarios included a simulated shoot down that left crewmembers disorientated and injured and then were required to move and secure an area for exfil. This included having to carry an injured person and using overland movement. Techniques for clearing and securing a house were introduced.
RESULTS/RECOMMENDATIONS: The primary result of this was excellent training on life saving skills. A situation that requires an aircrew member to egress the aircraft and use personal side arms is a real possibility and this training is critical to unsure crew survival. My recommendation is that all aircrew receive this instruction.
66 RQS / Weapons and Tactics Officer