Course Description

Designed specifically for Medical Providers, this version of Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC-MP) uses the lessons learned by the military and evidence-based medication to create guidelines for health care professionals to use in the non-military setting. TECC-MP training is designed for the persons trained in medical care who find themselves at the scene of a traumatic emergency and are unable to leave until help arrives.

Participants receive individual skill training on the proper use of tourniquets, hemostatic agents/gauze, pressure dressing, and chest seals as well as how to interact with First Responders, Law Enforcement, and EMS when they arrive on the scene. Student’s knowledge and skills are then reinforced using scenario-based simulation where they use their training to save the injured who might die while waiting for the typical 9-1-1 response. This training is ideal for the Medically trained persons. Skills learned in this training apply not only to intentional injuries, but also to those around the home, at work, and in the community.

Intended Audience

  • Certified and/or Licensed Medical Professionals to include Dr’s, PA’s, RN’s, Medics and EMT’s

Features & Benefits

  • Combat-Proven Life-Saving Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
  • 16 Hour Training Format
  • Lesson Plans and Equipment are Approved by Committee on TECC
  • Multi-Departmental Response
  • Team Building
  • Crisis Rehearsal to Prevent ‘Feezing’ During Times of Stress


  • SME Instructors
  • Ever-Evolving Curriculum
  • State-Of-The-Art Facilities And Equipment
  • Industry Standard For Realistic Training Scenarios

Certifications Achieved and Gear Provided:
4-Year NAEMT TECC Provider. Each Attendee receives a NAR M-FAK!!!

Course Information & Registration:
Registration@NARescue.com · Phone: 888-374-7808 x101


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